Thursday, July 2, 2009

Kilimanjaro Here We Come!


The day has finally come. Insha'Allah in 6 hours tim we will be flying on our way to Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. It has been an exciting 6 weeks in the build-up to this journey of ours. Alhamdulillah, the training and fund-raising have gone well. And we feel that all those challenges that we have faced thus far have been worth it all, knowing that we have managed to raise over R300 000 in fund-raising - all of this money to be directly utilised to help the children of Gaza insha'Allah.

Thanks to all our friends, family and the general public who helped us with our fund-raising and also supported us in numerous other ways. We go to climb Kilimanjaro with firm motivation and intention, knowing that we are trying to make a difference in the lives of our children in Palestine.

Please make duaa for us that all goes well, that our climb is enjoyable and successful, and that Allah Ta'allah takes us and returns us safely back to South Africa. Ameen

Muhamad Taer Khan

"To the Children & Future of Palestine"

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